Saturday, March 10, 2007

Zac Efron

Zac Efron is so famous to everyone that he has become a teens big crush(That includes you Kelsey and Alexa!) He is going to be doing High School Musical 2 in St. George, Utah. He is also going to be in a movie called Hairspray. Zac Efron was born in California. His dad is a electrical engineer. He has two Australian Shepards! Their names are Dreamer, the one you saw on Disney Channel Games, and Puppy. He has a cat named Simon. When he was younger he played Peter on Peter Pan. He was a guest star on Summerland. He was in the movie Miracle Run. Zac was the main character in the music video " Sick Inside." Zac has cut and dyed his hair black or a very dark brown . The shocking part is that he is trying to GAIN WEIGHT! For the role in Hairspray. Voted most crushed-worthy male in a survey. He is going to USC for college this fall 2007

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