Monday, March 12, 2007

Is It Love Or A Deadly Trick?

Unlike all the others, we are all unique, beautiful grove of flowers on a pretty spring day. A bunch of ducks, a swim across the pond, and one duck, and I mean one duck scares all the other ducks away. Except for one lady duck. She stays. They fall in love, with all their duck like thingamabobbers. The King duck tells her she cannot meet with the stinky duck ever again. (Remember, the King is saying this, not me) Anyway, she sneaks away the closest window she was near, the duck person boy, saw her from the window and started talking to her. He did that every night. Then the King started to like the young duck. And let him marry his duckish daughter. This couple was known as: Romeyjack and Jackiet.

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